The Importance of hiring a live-in carer for the elderly
As people get older, they worry about losing their independence due to mobility issues, balance issues, and other health conditions. Hiring a live-in carer, on the other hand, can help seniors maintain their independence while also improving their quality of life.
Many families are now considering hiring a live-in carer to assist their elderly loved ones who have tried residential care but are unable to settle in an institution surrounded by so many other people and would be much happier in their own home.
Couples with different care needs may find that choosing care within their own four walls is the best way for them to stay together. If a loved one is in the hospital, they may require care before being discharged. In this case, the only real alternative to a residential or nursing home is to set up private care in their own home.
People often mix up live-in care and domiciliary care; however, live-in care offers help round-the-clock, while domiciliary care occurs when the carer only stops by a few times a day or week.
Why should you choose live-in care?
Many people prefer live-in care because it allows them to retain their independence and live their lives in the comfort of their own homes. Live-in care is an option that minimises the change involved. It allows senior citizen to go about their daily routines while providing their loved one with peace of mind that they are being cared for.
Here are some of the benefits of choosing live-in care.
1. Ageing in place
The ability for people to live independently and stay at home as they age without the need to move into a care facility is referred to as "aging in place." If you let older people stay on their own, it will boost their self-esteem and help them keep in touch with their friends.
When a person stays at home, they can maintain control over their daily routine and environment, which can help improve their quality of life and mental health.
Live-in care is also the best solution for ageing couples where one partner needs more assistance than the other or when both partners need additional support due to health issues. This allows both partners to age with dignity while still having the companionship of someone they love.
2. Personal care
Personal care provided by live-in carers can be tailored to the individual's or their loved one's needs. It often includes support with incontinence issues, help with daily chores, etc. A live-in carer is there to meet an individual's needs, no matter how personal or complex they are.
Furthermore, in live-in care, the carer will assist the senior person with his or her overnight needs, so if support is needed during the night, it's on hand. This provides reassurance that help is always available at any time of day or night.
3. Domestic chores
In addition to personal care, the live-in carer will assist with domestic tasks such as shopping, light housework, and laundry. Furthermore, carers can plan and prepare basic nutritious and balanced meals based on the diet chart of the person they care for. Having pets around is not only good for your mood; it also has some health benefits. So, when arranging care, individuals can specify this so that the carer can also take care of pets.
4. Familiar surroundings
Home is a place full of memories, and leaving such a place for a senior can be difficult, even if they are aware that they require assistance. Hiring a live-in carer allows the elderly person to remain in the comfort and safety of their own home. This is especially helpful if a person has dementia and is easily upset by changes in their environment.
5. Provide companionship
One of the most serious issues that seniors face is a lack of companionship. Many seniors live alone, and many lack the social support they require, negatively impacting their physical and mental well-being.
A live-in carer can assist a senior in having some healthy conversation and social interaction. Hiring a carer can keep a person from becoming isolated and depressed.
6. Better care
One of the most significant benefits of hiring a carer is having a trained professional take care of the senior citizen and monitor their health on a daily basis. Furthermore, having an extra pair of eyes to track an elderly loved one's physical, emotional, and cognitive health makes it easier when the family carer is not present.
A professional carer can also provide insights into an elderly person that a family carer may miss. They also detect unusual changes or symptoms in a senior citizen and assist in addressing them before they worsen.
7. Flexibility
Another important advantage of hiring a live-in carer is that the family carer doesn't always have to rush around every single day to meet the daily schedule of an ageing family member. The hired carer can provide assistance at home in situations such as medication reminders, meal preparation, and personal hygiene for the senior citizen.
8. Independence
Many older people would rather stay in their own homes and keep living on their own for the rest of their lives. Seniors can do just that with the help of a carer, as Nurses Group Homecare provides professionally trained carers who can provide support while the seniors maintain their independence without being confined to an assisted living facility.
9. Personalised service
Some seniors have serious health problems that require special help and care, while others might just need a little help around the house. Elderly people don't always have the same needs. In such cases, hiring a live-in carer can be helpful, as they can adapt to meet the specific needs of a senior.
10. Peace of mind
When an elderly loved one needs care at home, it can be hard and stressful, especially if the problem came up suddenly and needs to be fixed quickly. Hiring a live-in carer gives peace of mind to the family carer that a professional caretaker is there to take care of the senior even if they are not around. In addition, worrying less about elderly parents' safety and health lowers stress and gives more mental energy to focus on other aspects of life.
11. Health and wellbeing benefits
There are many health benefits linked to live-in care, many of which arise from being able to remain in one's own home. Live-in care also allows seniors to maintain their social networks, pursue their favourite hobbies, and avoid becoming housebound. This, in turn, can prevent mental health problems and improve mortality.
Moreover, live-in care has an array of physical benefits, including a reduced risk of falling and a better understanding of the surroundings.
Nurses Group Homecare offers professional and trained live-in carers who can care for an elderly person or an elderly couple without invading their privacy or dignity. Visit our care services page to learn more about the other services we offer.