Importance of homecare service in the UK
People require additional care and support for a variety of reasons, including advanced age, physical disability, dementia, or sensory impairment. A homecare service is worth considering for anyone who is starting to find daily life challenging. Moving out of your home to receive care is a difficult step, and many people prefer to stay where they are most comfortable at home.
Aging takes its toll on your body, both physically and mentally, but for many elderly people, the ability to continue living in their own home is critical to maintaining independence, dignity, and zest for life.
Why homecare service?
In a nutshell, homecare services involve a trained care worker visiting your home to assist with daily chores and other specific needs. It is critical to understand that homecare does not take away people's independence or privacy. In fact, it is intended to reinforce independence and help you live a more comfortable life by focusing on your interests and hobbies while a care worker assists with their essential daily tasks.
Advantages of homecare service
Homecare services are preferable over other types of care for a number of reasons. They are listed below:
1. Remain in familiar surrounding
The primary benefit of homecare is that it allows the person to continue living in their most secure and comfortable environment, surrounded by friends and family. Homecare is also an invaluable tool for assisting the individual in maintaining mental health and well-being. As you remain in your home, you can still be in touch with the people who love and care for you.
2. Adaptable to your needs
Individuals interested in homecare services will be provided with a personalised care plan that is completely tailored to their needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Homecare primarily promotes independence, so you will be encouraged to live a normal life. You can select from a variety of home care services, such as temporary care, live-in care, or any specific care service.
3. Person-centred, one-to-one care
Homecare is highly personalised as you will receive one-on-one care each time a care worker visits you. This means they will be completely focused on you for the duration of their visit. This allows the caregiver to devote more time to getting to know you as a person, understanding your needs, and providing appropriate care and support.
4. Economical
Homecare is the most cost-effective method of care because it allows you to stay in your familiar surroundings and avoid having to move to a nursing home. Homecare services will help your family save a lot of money that they would have to spend if they chose other options for care services.
5. Independent living for the elderly
For the elderly, losing independence can be a worrying and stressful issue. Nobody wants to feel like a burden or have to rely on others to complete basic daily tasks. Allowing a person to keep as much of their own routine as possible is extremely beneficial to their mental and physical health. Hiring carers in the home rather than moving into a care home allows the person to maintain their own routine.
As of 2021, there were approximately 10,100 registered and regulated homecare providers in the United Kingdom. The demand for adult homecare is expected to rise significantly in the coming years, owing largely to the UK's ageing population.
Future of homecare
According to a report published by the National Audit Office (NAO), Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), approximately 29% more adults aged 18 to 64 and 57% more adults aged 65 and over will require care in 2038 compared to 2018. Moreover, the number of people requiring medical attention has increased since the onset of COVID-19.
More people in need of care means that there must be more people to provide it, and the way homecare is delivered may have to change. There are currently insufficient care providers to meet the requirements of those in need. With the projected increase in the number of care recipients, many job opportunities will emerge.
Care workers believe that increasing pay and providing proper training will attract more people to work in care.
Nurses Group Homecare offers the highest pay rates in the industry as well as on-the-job and off-the-job training to our carers. We are committed to caring for those in need while also boosting the morale of caregivers.